Shingwauk Kinoomaage Gamig (SKG) is an Indigenous Institute for postsecondary education that is on a path to accreditation to offer degree-level programs.

SKG is establishing its Academic Advisory Circle. Additional details about the Circle can be found here: SKG Academic Advisory Circle – mandate and membership.

The role of this Circle is to provide advice about the development of programs, curriculum for these programs, academic standards and policies, and services and supports to students.

Please contact us if you would like more info on the role and responsibility. We anticipate that the Circle would meet three or four times a year. SKG would meet the costs of travel of members if that is required.

SKG recognizes the value of the knowledge and experience of Anishinaabe Elders and knowledge keepers, and the important guidance that they will be able to provide to SKG as part of its Academic Advisory Circle. We are asking for your help in finding Elders and knowledge-keepers who might be willing to be part of this Circle. We would ask that you bring this opportunity to the attention of appropriate members of your Nation and encourage them to contact SKG if they would be interested in exploring this opportunity.


Interested persons are asked to submit a Letter of Interest with their resume and three references to:

Jayselen Moore, Executive Assistant

Phone: 705-998-2496 x201


Deadline:  May 17th. 2024.