SKG Appoints New President and CAO

May 24th, 2024|

Shingwauk Kinoomaage Gamig is proud to announce the appointment of Mary Wabano-McKay as the new President and CAO. The President will function as SKG’s Chief Academic Officer and lead the development and implementation of degree-level [...]

Request for Proposal Anishinaabe School of Education

November 28th, 2023|

SKG and Algoma University are looking for RFP's for our Anishinaabe School of Education. See the details here: RFP#SKG.10.2023 - Anishinaabe School of Education 

Bakinaagewin Gichi-Anama’e Giizhigad

November 23rd, 2023|

Calling all SKG students! Join us on our Campus for Bakinaagewin Gichi-Anama'e Giizhigad. Holiday Lunch and Prize Bingo! Shingwauk Anishnaabe Students' Association (SASA) More Info?

Ezhi-zhiitaaying ni-biboong

November 3rd, 2023|

TraditionalWinterPrep Everyone welcome to join us on Campus at SKG for Ezhi-zhiitaaying ni-biboong, Traditional Winter Preperations! 👇🏽 In partnership with the Anishinaabe Academic Resource Centre, Shingwauk Anishnaabe Students' Association (SASA), and Algoma University, we are [...]

Rose Nolan Scholarship

October 30th, 2023|

DEADLINE: November 1st, 2023 The Rose Nolan Memorial Scholarship Fund was established by the Ted Nolan Foundation in 2004. The Fund aims to assist First Nations women in achieving their educational and training goals, while [...]

SKG has a 60ft Aajijaak (Crane)!

October 1st, 2023|

SKG has a 60ft Aajijaak (Crane) in the backyard! Chief Shingwauk's dodem (clan) is crane and this symbol was often his “signature". This Aajijak represents Shingwauk with his feet firmly planted in the Medicine Garden [...]

National Day of Truth and Reconciliation

September 25th, 2023|

We are excited to invite everyone to our commemoration for the National Day of Truth and Reconciliation, in partnership with Indigenous Tourism Ontario, September 29th and 30th, 2023.  We want to welcome everyone to attend [...]